Summer at the beach tips

Well, I’m still going to believe it is never too late to be great, even though I tried to start this blog back in 2021 and now here it is 2023. What happened? LIFE, WORK, FAMILY, TOO MUCH SOCIAL MEDIA Too many little things that add up and if you don’t really put a plan in place, things just don’t happen. So, I’m here to try again.

It is the week before Memorial Day, which is the “official start of summer” here on the East Coast and especially from the Delaware beach area where I now spend 3/4 of my time. I spent a fair amount of time vacationing with kids at the beach, and now that mine are grown and starting to have their own kids, I get to sit back and watch. Vacationing at the beach is supposed to be FUN, but it seems to always end up being a stressful time, especially for the moms because like it or not, we are the planners. So I thought about a few things that might help things go a little smoother getting to and enjoying the beach!

  1. Lower your expectations Not every day can be perfect, invariably something may go wrong, don’t set out expecting everything to work out, for everyone to be happy. Relax and try to go with the flow.
  2. Depending on where you are going, beaches can be crowded and if you have to drive to the beach, parking can sometimes be difficult. So, GO EARLY in the morning (OR if you just don’t have a morning crew, think about heading to beach around noon when folks may head home for lunch).
  3. Make kids responsible, mom shouldn’t have to do it all. Create a checklist for them depending on their age, and have them pack their beach bags the night before. And set the expectations….if your child wants to bring a shovel and pail, great, but then they have to carry it. You get the picture….grownups shouldn’t have to lug everything.
  4. Put suntan lotion on everyone BEFORE you get to the beach. Use a makeup sponge to get lotion on kids faces. If you use a suntan spray, you won’t have the wind from the ocean to contend with and it will actually get on your skin, not on your neighbor. Of course, you’ll want to re-apply during the day but at least you don’t have to worry about it first think when you hit the sand.
  5. It might seem silly, but wear real shoes that you won’t mind getting dirty/sandy. We keep older shoes just for this purpose. Slip on shoes with some soles….or even crocs or water shoes work. Flip flops look good, are easy to take on and off, but its often difficult for kids to walk in them, their feet slip out which can be a pain…literally…if the sand is hot.
  6. Baby powder is your friend. Before the beach, its great to use on areas that might be exposed and be rubbing together (think thighs — even on the littles). After the beach, its a great way to get sand off your feet. Jump sprinkle some on, and the sand brushes easily off.
  7. Forget cheap umbrellas. I’ve seen more arguments and problems from lighter umbrellas that bend and flip up and even can blow away and cause injury. Get on of the newer “cabana” type shade covers that are easy to put up OR go ahead and rent an umbrella on the beach OR buy a good wooden umbrella that will actually stay in the sand.

I’m sure you have other ideas, feel free to share them in the comments!

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